Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Summer vacation is here, but my brain never shuts off when it comes to teaching.  I'm always thinking how I can make things more efficient, and coming up with new to do lists. I'm always promising myself that this will be the year that I keep my blog up to date. It's really hard for me to shut the teaching side of my brain off and relax.

This brings me to something that has really stood out for me last summer.  It has been so much harder to shut it off because of social media.  While I'm so grateful for all of the collaborating that goes on during the school year thanks to Instagramblogs, and Facebook.  It is difficult to find balance in this teaching world. I know that as teachers, we're planners and have a to-do list that's a mile long. We want to be ready and make the next year better than ever.

I challenge you to turn off your "teacher" brain, put down your computer, and be "in the moment."  It's summer, time to sleep in and stay up late.  Run in the sprinklers, get some frozen  yogurt, bbq in your backyard with your family and play some board games.  Be touristy and explore your town.  Catch up on your favorite shows and don't feel guilty about it.  Take a day trip.  Lounge around the house and be comfortable with doing nothing.  Enjoy the giggles of children and the company of your family.

Make memories and look back on this summer as a great one.  Are you going to remember this summer as one spent on your computer or as one living in the moment?  I am choosing to live in the moment with a few splashes of planning and organizing thrown in of course.  After all, I am a teacher.

Sunday, November 8, 2015

November 8, 2015

Today is Sunday!  A beautiful fall day, full of football, friends and lesson plans.  I have to say, it is one of my favorite days of the week.  I love having time to search teaching websites and follow teacher blogs to gather new and exciting ideas for the upcoming week.  Last week, I introduced the fun review game called Kahoot!  to my class.  They LOVED it!  They loved it so much, they asked to play it every second of the day for the rest of the week!  I have always have the philosophy that learning should be engaging and fun.  It is the key to helping students remember, a toot to help learning become meaningful.  We talk about how we need to file our new information into the imaginary file cabinet that we have in our brains because we will need to retrieve that information later on.

We have been super busy learning and growing these first couple of months of school.  I am excited to meet with everyone for parent/teacher conferences next week to share successes and make plans to close any gaps in learning.  This week I will be sending home a "Hopes and Dreams," form for you to fill out.  Who knows your child better than you!  Working together helps students grow at a faster rate and it is so important for children to see the teacher and parents supporting each other and showing the students that we are all on the same page.

Here is a list of upcoming events for your calendar:

11/11 - Holiday! No School
11/12 - Tooth Fairies
11/13 - Tooth Fairies
11/16 - Tooth Fairies
11/16 - Photo Retake Day
11/18 - Gr. 5 Field Trip to Gulf of Maine Research Institute
11/19 - P/T Conferences 3:30-7:00
11/23 - P/T Conferences 3:30-7:00
11/25 - Workshop Day! (No School for Staff & Students)
11/26 - Holiday! No School
11/27 - Vacation Day! No School
11/30-12/4 - Cromwell visits to Grades 1-5
12/2 - PTA Meeting
12/5 - Breakfast w/Santa
12/7-12/11 - Childrens Stage Adventure (Mahoosuc Arts)

In Math:  Students are working on division and order of operations.  We spend a great deal of time with our Number Sense unit at the beginning of the year because it is the foundation.  Students need to have a strong understanding of numbers as we move forward.  I would encourage all students who have not memorized their multiplication facts yet, to spend ten minutes every day practicing them.  I can't stress enough the importance of knowing their facts!

In ELA:   Students are reading in three different groups right now that target different skills needed.  Our groups are reading Esperanza Rising, The Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basil Frankenweiler, and My Father's Dragon.   During our ELA Block, students work in small groups, focusing on  some centers that include word work, writing, grammar skills, and interactive journals.

In Writing:  Students are continuing to work on the elements of persuasive writing, as we need a bit more practice with this type of writing.  We have also started gathering information for our research report writing.

In Social Studies:  We are learning about the Explorers and the impact they have had on our history.  We are also keeping up with current events through our weekly Time for Kids activities.

In Science:  We have started our unit on Ecosystems.  We have begun by learning about ocean animals in order to prepare for our field trip to the Gulf of Maine Research Institute next week.  This field trip is supported by Poland Spring Waters.

As you can see, we have lots of learning going on.  Time for soon football!

Monday, October 19, 2015

OUR BLOG IS FINALLY UP AND RUNNING.  I WANTED TO SHARE A QUICK SNAPSHOT OF OUR SPECIAL DAY!  I WILL SHARE MORE LATER.  Please let me know if you were able to get on and see our special moments!


 Grandparent's Day Photos!  What a wonderful day!  It was so great to spend time with everyone!

















Friday, December 26, 2014

Happy 26th!

I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas!  I did!  There is nothing any better than having my family all together at home!  We love watching Christmas movies together!  Some of our favorites are Elf and Christmas Vacation!  On Christmas Eve, we always watch Rudolph and Christmas day wouldn't be complete without watching The Christmas Story!  Family traditions are my favorite!  What are you family traditions?  

This break is extra long!  I can't remember when we have had 16 day off in a row.  I will be spending lots of time reorganizing our classroom, planning lessons and planning for National Board Teacher Certification.  When we return to school in January, we will take our mid-year NWEA's in math and reading.  I love this opportunity because it helps me see the growth we are making,as well as the areas that I need to continue to teach.  

We were so busy before Christmas vacation!  I hope everyone was able to watch our performance of Elfis and the Sleigh Riders!  The students pulled off a flawless performance!  We knew they could do it!  They were so incredible we could take the show on the road!  Here is the link in case you missed it:

Here are some snapshots of happening in our classroom:









Our special helper, Lexi and Harrison




Molly, Leah and Isaac

Jacky and Nicole

Jordan, Bella and Katie

Mari, Peyton and Austin



Taking it all in!

Awesome interactive lab!

Here we go!

We love teaching!!!!
As we can see, we have been BUSY!  Don't forget that Rugrats starts the first week we are back.  We will be heading to Sunday River on Thursday to have some fun in the outdoors!
Way to go students!  Over $1000 for the school.  Those box tops sure add up!
First Place - Mrs. Bullen's Class - 2,236
Second Place - Mrs. Colby's Class - 2,134
Third Place - Mrs. Wight's Class - 1,526
Total Box Tops Submitted:  12,558
We earned over $1,000 from the competition!!  Thank You to everyone that participated!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

November 9, 2014

November is flying by quickly!  We certainly have had a busy last two weeks with the Halloween concerts and Parent Teacher Conferences.  Before we know it, it will be Thanksgiving Break.  Hopefully everyone has some fun plans for the holiday!  I am very excited to have both of children home from college and my five nieces all together this year.  Needless to say, I am really looking forward to Thanksgiving!

Dates for your calendar:

11/11 - Holiday
11/17 - Bus Safety 
11/26 - Workshop Day
11/27 & 11/28 - Holiday & Vacation Day
12/6 - Breakfast with Santa 

I would like to thank each and every family for taking the time out of your busy day to come to parent teacher conferences.  I love spending time with you talking about your child.  I am so thankful to be their teacher!  I have quite an amazing bunch of scholars!

On Friday, we made homemade pretzels and divided them into fractions as a fun kick off to our unit on fractions.  We will be starting fractions before Thanksgiving break.  This week we will be focusing on Order of Operations.  Students will be creating a slideshow to demonstrate their understanding of the concept.  

In reading, we are finishing up our books and getting reading to switch groups.  I think the students love having the opportunity to work with all the teachers and different classes.  Please continue to check student planner each night and sign that you saw it, even if they do not have homework.  The reading assignments need to paced out over the week, as we only switch groups on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Planning the amount of time spent on homework each night is an important skill to master in 5th grade.  

Lots of exciting learning going on in our classroom!

Here are some Halloween pictures!  Sorry I am a bit late with my post!
Student Council Voting Day

Fourth Grade Voting

Mrs. Keane votes!

4th and 5th Grade Superheros!

It's a "wing thing!"

The 3 Amigos

Jordan, Megan, Bailey, and Marley

Our very own color wheel, Mrs. Boles

Brynn the Beautiful Butterfly


Some of the crew!

Hannah, Celia, Addie, and Marly

Zak and Mrs. Keane

Some of the New England Patriots!

Snap, Crackle and Pop!

Eyeball donuts!

As you can see, it was a VERY FUN DAY!